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“Some worry that it is somehow undiplomatic or impolite to speak the language of right and wrong. I disagree. Different circumstances require different methods, but not different moralities.”
President Bush – West Point, New York – June 1, 2002
WCJ Comments The National Security Strategy of the United States of America Report – 17 September 2002 | |||
No. | The NSS Report | Comment | |
1 | In pursuit of our goals, our first imperative is to clarify what we stand for: the United States must defend liberty and justice because these principles are right and true for all people everywhere. No nation owns these aspirations, and no nation is exempt from them. Fathers and mothers in all societies want their children to be educated and to live free from poverty and violence. No people on earth yearn to be oppressed, aspire to servitude, or eagerly await the midnight knock of the secret police. | This is a good intention. | |
2 | America must stand firmly for the nonnegotiable demands of human dignity: the rule of law; limits on the absolute power of the state; free speech; freedom of worship; equal justice; respect for women; religious and ethnic tolerance; and respect for private property. | May God help them in this endeavour. | |
3 | These demands can be met in many ways. America's constitution has served us well. Many other nations, with different histories and cultures, facing different circumstances, have successfully incorporated these core principles into their own systems of governance. History has not been kind to those nations which ignored or flouted the rights and aspirations of their people. | But few governments in the world have not committed crimes against freedom, person, or property either of their own citizens, or of people of other countries. The United States is no exception. | |
4 | a | America's experience as a great multi‐ethnic democracy affirms our conviction that people of many heritages and faiths can live and prosper in peace. | This is true. |
b | Our own history is a long struggle to live up to our ideals. | All nations of all times had ideals, to which they struggled to live up to and by which their governments justified their actions. The National Socialism of Hitler, the International Socialism of Stalin, the various socialisms and nationalisms of other nations — these are all examples of idealisms. The time has come to reject all ideals and idealisms and to follow the advice of the Prophet Jesus: “Know your own self”. It is time to acknowledge and understand the human tendency to see one's own actions in a favourable light, while seeking to condemn any actions of others, which go contrary to one's own prejudices and wishful thinking. It is time that honesty, that is recognition of facts of life regardless of whether they are favourable to those in government or not, becomes not just an ideal to be expected from others, but an instrument of government which those in government will be forced to use in all their activities. All idealisms must be replaced by unconditional honesty strictly enforced and strictly controlled both within the nation states and in all relationships between the nation states. Truth is not what people want, but what exists in nature regardless of anybody's wishes; honesty is unconditional acceptance of that truth. Justice is unconditional acceptance of the principle of equality under the law. To achieve their stated objectives the American Administration have to learn to use truth, honesty and justice as instruments of government, rather than slogans that political demagogues use to justify their actions whenever it is convenient to them. | |
c | But even in our worst moments, the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence were there to guide us. As a result, America is not just a stronger, but is a freer and more just society. | Freer and juster than some others? Yes. Free and just? No. Politics and freedom and justice are incompatible. Freedom can be infringed and justice can be denied or perverted not only by naked brutal force, but by means of politically motivated legislation or by abuses of powers by government officials elected by a majority vote. And in the field of international relations the only principle that is truly followed today is “might is right”. | |
5 | Today, these ideals are a lifeline to lonely defenders of liberty. And when openings arrive, we can encourage change — as we did in central and eastern Europe between 1989 and 1991, or in Belgrade in 2000. When we see democratic processes take hold among our friends in Taiwan or in the Republic of Korea, and see elected leaders replace generals in Latin America and Africa, we see examples of how authoritarian systems can evolve, marrying local history and traditions with the principles we all cherish. | Democratic elections allow for periodic changes of government, they do not ensure that governments are honest, competent, or effective. It is just as wrong to impose the will of the majority on a minority, as it is wrong to impose the will of a minority on the majority. Only abolition of politics and establishment of totally impartial non‐political government based on the principle of equality under the law can guarantee freedom and justice for all. It is true that the American system of government, where the powers of government are limited by a set of principles and the legal system is independent of the Government, is close to such impartial government and was probably intended to be such by the Founding Fathers. But it is open to abuse due to inadequacies of procedure and reliance on human judgment which is seldom free from prejudice and susceptible to political influences. These defects of the American system need to be removed before it can be used as a model for others. And, if the American Administration want to succeed in their endeavor, they need to develop a totally objective world view. | |
6 | Embodying lessons from our past and using the opportunity we have today, the national security strategy of the United States must start from these core beliefs and look outward for possibilities to expand liberty. | Abolition of politics and establishment of impartial supra‐national law is the only way of guaranteeing liberty. | |
7 | Our principles will guide our government's decisions about international cooperation, the character of our foreign assistance, and the allocation of resources. They will guide our actions and our words in international bodies. | These principles must be strictly defined before they can become instruments of government. | |
8 | We will:
| All these concepts need to be understood and clearly and strictly defined, before they can become useful. All politics, hypocrisy, favoritism must be totally discarded. Prejudices and preconceived ideas must be replaced with informed understanding. | |
9 | We will champion the cause of human dignity and oppose those who resist it. | This can only be done once the American administration develops the objectivity and impartiality necessary for such championship. |