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Negotiations about Talks and Talks about Negotiations
Publication date: 2002-08-12

The Search for Peace in the Middle Eastis Continuing, and So Is the Violence ... Why?

Since the Bush Middle East Peace Speech, violence in the area has become worse, as one could expect. But at the same time there are talks about negotiations and negotiations about talks.

But what is there to negotiate about?

The facts are as follows:

  1. The Israelis with the help of the world's ‘superpowers’ had driven some million odd Palestinians from their land in 1948.
  2. The Israelis occupied the rest of Palestine in 1967.
  3. Palestinians are killing Israelis, because the Israelis are continuing with the occupation.
  4. The Israelis are killing Palestinians and destroying Palestinian property, because they are killing Israelis.
  5. Palestinians are killing Israelis, because they are killing Palestinians.

So, if the Israelis would state it loud and clear that, if the Palestinians stop killing Israelis, they will

  1. stop killing Palestinians,
  2. compensate them for the destruction of their property,
  3. withdraw from the part of Palestine occupied by them in 1967,
  4. compensate the Palestinians who had been driven from their land in 1948,

then what reason will any Palestinians have to continue killing Israelis?

Equally, if the Palestinians take upon themselves the initiative and say it loud and clear that they will stop killing Israelis, if the Israelis

  1. stop killing Palestinians,
  2. compensate them for the destruction of their property,
  3. withdraw from the part of Palestine occupied by them in 1967,
  4. compensate the Palestinians who had been driven from their land in 1948,

then what reason will the Israelis have not to comply with these conditions?

The only way to resolve the dispute is to resolve the above issues. Unless, these issues are resolved, no talks or agreements can bring about anything but a short‐lived cease‐fire, if anything at all.

The introduction by George Bush of the issues of composition and structure of the Palestinian Authority is nothing but a “red herring” — an irrelevant issue introduced into the case so as to allow the Greater Israel extremists to continue with their expansionist war against the Palestinians, because George Bush does not want to displease the pro‐Israel Lobby in Washington, while at the same time taking a posture of advancing the “Peace Process”.

Secret talks about negotiations, and secret negotiations about talks are not going to stop the violence or to resolve the conflict.

The uselessness of such secret talks was known some 1400 years ago1: “There is no good in most of their secret talks ”.

But as Rudyard Kipling2 noted in his Gods of the Copybook Headings:

There are only four things certain since Social Progress began —
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool's bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire —

Or, as repeatedly stated in the Noble Qur'an, “Will not they ever understand?”.

Yes. As long as people continue to try to get some advantage to themselves at the expense of others by playing politics, or resorting to violence, they will be finding themselves object of violence and deceit at the hands of others. This is the message that the Prophets of Mankind and people of vision, like Rudyard Kipling, have been telling people throughout all Human History.

Stop playing politics, be it right, left or center! Stop playing your blaming games! Abandon spin, hypocrisy and propaganda of every kind! You seek to deceive others, but you are only deceiving yourselves! And learn, that you will only live in peace with each other, when you have learnt the art of government by Truth, Honesty and Justice.

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1)The Noble Qur'an 4:114.

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2) Here can find a complete collection of Rudyard Kipling poems on line.

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